Safeguard your Spy home – Cheap

burglarySafeguard your home for cheap

“The Panic Room”


Here is what it means to build a panic room on a budget!  This will allow the average person the opportunity to protect his or hers most important assists, “their family” so let’s get started.

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Physical Countermeasures -Polygraph

bet_the_box****** Remember if you tell the Truth you will not need this. The best thing you can do is always tell the truth

Because a polygrapher must infer deception from a pattern of physiological responses, any physical activity that alters a physiological response is a potential countermeasure. The trick is to know when you should enhance your responses so that you appear to be nervous (during control questions), and when you should attenuate your responses that you appear to be calm and relaxed (during relevant questions).  The following list of physical countermeasures contains a variety of popular techniques.  Many have been used in university studies assessing polygraph validity.

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Are you being followed?

woman-being-stalkedHave ever gone for a walk around town, in the mall or just out on a Friday night and the hair on the back of your neck stands up?  You feel the need to turn around because someone might be following you?  I know I have felt that feeling before, well good news, I am going to show you a few tips you can use to see if someone is following you.  These steps you will read about will help you locate and instruct you on what to do, and not even the person following you will even know you “found them out.”

Walking around town or the mall:

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