Affordable Surveillance Gear (Covert Webcam)

1Affordable Surveillance Gear (Covert Webcam)

Do you like the movies about James Bond? Or maybe “Enemy of the State?” Have you said to yourself, “man, I wish I can learn about cameras and concealment devices?”  Well it is time that you do! You can do some stuff at home really easy and it is very affordable too.  Just follow these next steps and you too can feel like a super spy!

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The Micheal Weston “Cantanna”

Michael WestonAre you a Burn Notice fan? If you are then you will note that Michael Weston is the new MacGyver!  Being the burn spy that Michael is, he uses his spy skills and knowledge to help the less fortunate.  One of the amazing gadgets that he makes on the show (Burn Notice season 3 Ep 3) is a homemade wireless Bluetooth.

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Are you being followed?

woman-being-stalkedHave ever gone for a walk around town, in the mall or just out on a Friday night and the hair on the back of your neck stands up?  You feel the need to turn around because someone might be following you?  I know I have felt that feeling before, well good news, I am going to show you a few tips you can use to see if someone is following you.  These steps you will read about will help you locate and instruct you on what to do, and not even the person following you will even know you “found them out.”

Walking around town or the mall:

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See my new Computer Speakers

56dc90_6524db6e09614bf0a835e39405cb443bJust back from an overseas mission and walked around the house.  It is hard being a spy, because when you just get done with a mission all of your senses are heighten and every little thing around is a warning sign.  But the feeling I am getting is real and not just the adrenaline wearing off.  What is it? Something has been moved in my office, but I do not know.  I know one way I can check Continue reading